Monday, June 4, 2007

Settling In

Well, it's our second week of Mommy working and everyone is surviving so far. It's going to take us a few weeks to get used to new schedules and figure out what we're really doing. My guilt is starting to creep in a bit when I think about the fact that Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays Mary sees Dakota more than I do. So I try not to think about it. And yet I seem to actually have more patience with Dakota now that I'm away working. I know someplace in there it makes sense. And yes, I have another dose of guilt knowing that I'll also be taking her to daycare for a few hours on Thursdays, my day off. But I need time too! Right?

The job is going great. I'm enjoying the work and the people very much. Which is a huge relief that I don't have to stress about that part of life right now. My fixation now is getting myself, my husband, and Dakota used to a new schedule. And next week Tony starts teaching summer school for a month. And the week after that my mother-in-law comes to stay with us for THREE weeks. Arg, it's a bit overwhelming! I need to suddenly let go of some of the smaller things that in the grand scheme of things don't make that much of a difference. (What do you mean it was trash day and you didn't empty all the trashcans before you took the trash out?!) Breathe....Jesus loves me, this I know.........

1 comment:

Karen Hossink said...

Yeah, let go of the smaller things - like the fact Matthew didn't brush his teeth or hair before school yesterday, but he was dressed and didn't smell like poop!
Seriously, I do a lot of the deep breathing coupled with singing or praying. It really helps. Sometimes I just stop what I'm doing and say, "Breathe, Karen. Breathe."