Sunday, June 22, 2008

Driving Time

I still drive Dakota around on the weekends so she can take a nap. Granted, it's once a day instead of twice a day with the gas prices, but we still do it. Today I realized those drives are not just for her, they're for me too. I talked to God for an hour. I prayed, I cried, I hoped. I prayed for family and friends. I prayed for my husband. I prayed for strength for myself.

I set myself on a new path today. It's somewhat still to be determined, but I could tell God was with me in the car. I have a good friend (Em) who is going through similar things right now. I felt God tell me that we have each other and we both have Him. Together, we would all get through.

The biggest feeling I got was that I needed to live. Not by other people's expectations or standards, but to do what I want. To do what Dakota needs. I want to become the best person I can so that I can be the best Mom I can be for her. If that means going places and doing things just the two of us, then so be it.

As I drove through the empty space of Stanfield to Casa Grande I teared up at the thought of living in the slower paced country. At first I couldn't tell if it was actually appealing to me or if I was just trying to escape. But what appealed to me, to the point of tears, was the simplicity of it all. A simple house, minimal "things", and a yard to play in. Sounds like heaven.

But heaven is wherever my little girl is. And I can work on making my existing life more simple. I finished the drive feeling hopeful and peaceful and connected to something. I was surprised at how fast reality slapped me in the face when I got home. But I need to learn to keep my own reality around me and not let others' get in the way.

My post may seem rather cryptic, but I'm sure there's a few that understand. The knowledge that I can create something with God's support is an amazing feeling. Keeping this at the forefront, making choices based on this, spending time with friends who understand, raising my daughter to appreciate it.....these are things worth the drive.

1 comment:

Karen Hossink said...

"I could tell God was with me in the car."
Yes, He was! I love that you went for a drive with God so He could speak to your heart in the stillness. He is faithful and He WILL get you through this season.
Keep your eyes fixed upon Him!